Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Boulder Busy

I have always been the kind of person that thrived on busy, so this has been a good week, complete with busy. The best part about a "Boulder Busy" is the kind of things you get to be busy about. They are all the things that I choose to do, not things other people have put on my plate.

We got home on Monday after a great Thanksgiving with our kids and grandson. The weekend included preparing and eating Thanksgiving dinner. I love this task even if it means that I do most of the work because I found out a few years ago that it is my son's favorite holiday. So that makes all the preparation worth it if you can make it someone's favorite holiday. Friday was the shopping day of course. A great time to shop with my daughter. Even my son spent a little of the shopping time with us. Saturday was the annual family venture to the mountains to get a Christmas tree. We even did a family night at the movies on Sunday. So it was a great weekend.

We got back to Boulder and unloaded the car, which was completely full of Christmas shopping, Christmas decorations, a few groceries and the three dogs. I even made it home in time for yoga class on Monday night. Now yoga is a great way to be busy with stretches and moves in the dark of the Boulder town hall and a little candlelight with Constance's soothing voice taking you from one move to the next. On Tuesday, we put up the red outside lights on the house. There is now a red glow from the Boulder Creek. We also made short drive almost to King's Pasture to get a Christmas tree. The meadow was so full of perfect Christmas trees that the task was over before I even got a picture. I tried to get Steve to get out and do a reenactment, but he refused. Tuesday night was Boulder Book Club with a great group analyzing and discussing "The Thirteenth Tale." Today we met with an enthusiastic group at the Anasazi State Park to discuss a project that will also guide the theme for the 2011 Boulder Heritage Festival. We are also going to meet today to see about finalizing a cookbook for the 2010 Festival. Senior Dinner is at 5 (glad Steve has the years to get us access to this event). Town Council Thursday is always interesting. Friday it's time for me to jump in the car again for a quick trip to SLC for a baby shower for the little granddaughter in production hosted by her dad's family. We may get a little more Christmas shopping done, visiting with my friend Nedra, a stop to see my Dad, and drive part of the trip with Geneya and Colby.

I keep wondering when retirement will get boring. Friends and family were a bit concerned about what we would do with retirement and a move to this small town. But there is so much to do; there is the Bird Workshop to plan, 2010 Boulder Heritage Festival and while were at it lets plan the 2011 Festival as well, we also have the Creative Writing Workshop, and we have to fit this all around the nap in the sun room in the big recliner with the sun shining full and warm across your body while you sleep.


  1. I am happy to see that your blog is now posting entries, moving, so that's good, and even without a photo I was able to picture the Boulder scenes especially very well. Glad that you are enjoying your retirement so far, and I predict that you will continue to find it a joy because of having more time to create!

  2. I so enjoyed your new entry. Your writing reads like poetry and is always interesting with so many activities going on. With all your running, you haven't had time to retire!
    It seems like ours is to the doctors...not the fun stuff you do. Of course, you are planning most of it! Do enjoy your holidays. We will love to hear about them.

  3. Boy, you do make your retirement in Boulder sound so charming and fun.(Just like you.) Doing most of the work for Thanksgiving doesn't appeal to me too much. Just shows you are more of a heart felt giver than I. I enjoy sitting at the kitchen iland on a bar stool and watching others do the work. I do try to tell a story or make a witty remark to entertain the workers. I just don't m,iss all that cooking. Glad you have so many interesting things to do in Boulder.
